Christine Spray is a nationally recognized business development keynote speaker, best-selling author three times, consultant, trainer, coach and Certified EOS Implementer. Spray serves as a CEO and business advisor with a passion for helping people and companies grow. Download Bio
Founder & President
Strategic Catalyst, Inc.
Spray launched Strategic Catalyst, Inc. after working in public accounting and industry in senior leadership roles with start-up, restructuring and growth responsibilities. She recognized that by aligning business goals with marketing, human resource, and business development strategies, organizations could leverage new business opportunities for far greater results. With more than 20 years of experience, Spray has created proven programs for management in the area of new business strategy by implementing Revenue Growth Assessments, Business Development Programs, Strategic Business Development Plans, and Accountability Models. Spray is a graduate of Coach University’s Two Year Program and EOS Worldwide.
Certified EOS Implementer
Entrepreneurial Operating System
Spray helps business leaders and entrepreneurs get what they want from their business by providing a complete system with simple tools to:
- Master their Vision with everyone heading in the same direction
- Gain Traction with execution and accountability
- Create Healthy leadership teams that are functional and cohesive
Founder & President
National Business Development Association
Spray launched the National Business Development Association (NBDA) to fill the need for a national trade association to provide best practices to individuals whose primary responsibility is generating business for their organization. NBDA provides a vibrant learning community where members can stay on top of industry trends and continually hone their skills through targeted professional development. Members of NBDA strongly believe in order to be a successful business development professional, you must focus on others and their needs before focusing on yourself. You will find this philosophy at the center of everything that is taught at the NBDA.
Master Chair & National Speaker
Vistage International
Spray serves as Chair and National Speaker for Vistage International, the world’s leading chief executive organization; its affiliates have more than 16,000 members in 16 countries. In her leadership role, she leads C-level executive discussions to help companies implement more efficient processes and programs that reduce costs, increase profitability and foster enhanced growth.
Spray enjoys giving back to the community where she serves and has served in the following roles:
- Founder and President, National Business Development Association
- Former Chair, Women Energy Network’s Advisory Council and Executive Group
- Former Board Member, Women Energy Network
- Former Committee Chair, Emerging Women Leaders Greater Houston Partnership
- Former Committee Chair, University of Houston Alumni
- Former President, Association for Accounting Marketing
- Former Co‐Chair, Kay Bailey Hutchison Texas Governor Race
- Former Nominating Chair, Leadership Council American Lung Association
- Former Board Member, Houston Health Charities of Texas
- Former Board Member, Houston Strategic Forum
- Former Board Member, MIT Enterprise Forum
- Former Board Member, YMCA Camping Services
- Former Delegate, American Society of Women Accountants
- Former Chairman, Small Business Committee GSWCC
- Former Co‐Chair, Shaker Committee GSWCC
Co-authored with Steve Forbes

Book launched ranking on six Best-Sellers Lists
Rankings and Categories:
- #1 Direct Marketing
- #4 Marketing
- #5 Marketing & Sales
- #11 Entrepreneurship
- #12 Small Business and Entrepenuership
- #91 Business & Money
To order, email [email protected]
BEST-SELLING AUTHOR of "Transform: Your Life, Business & Health"
Co-authored with Brian Tracy

The transforming experiences discussed by the experts in this book cover many subjects, including positive mindset changes, changes wrought by perseverance, passion, due diligence, restructuring, technology, systems, techniques, etc. In fact, they cover positive changes that cut across numerous disciplines and fields.
Editor’s Choice Award, Celebrity Press, In Recognition of Outstanding Contribution to the Book “Transform”
Book launched ranking on two Best-Sellers Lists.
Rankings and Categories:
- #6 Direct Marketing
- #13 Marketing for Small Business
To order, email [email protected]
BEST-SELLING AUTHOR of "The Road To Success, Vol. 2"
Co-authored with Jack Canfield

BEST-SELLING AUTHOR with Jack Canfield
Success is a concept universally embraced but individually defined. Our definition of success truly depends on our individual goals. For example, your goal might be monetary, a physical accomplishment or a moral achievement.
In the world of personal fulfillment and success there are few names more recognizable than Jack Canfield of the Chicken Soup for the Soul Series. Jack Canfield has shared his expertise with millions and I have had the privilege to co-author with him and some of the best thought leaders from across the country.
To succeed today, it is useful, perhaps essential to have a mentor. Errors will be made, but minimizing them will speed up your journey. In our new economy, the acquisition of success has been reformatted somewhat by business and industry even though its principles remain the same. The Electronic Revolution has changed the economic landscape as much as the Industrial Revolution. We now live more and more in “real time” and expect others to do the same. This era of instant communication has changed the ways in which we communicate and expect responses.
Get the motivation and information you need to rise up to the next level of success! No matter what line of work you’re in, the marketplace and the changes it brings challenge you. Even if you are the most savvy and skilled entrepreneur, you risk losing ground if you don’t continually push forward and out hustle your competition. Now America’s #1 Success Coach has gathered the top business minds in one powerful book and I’m honored to be a part of it.
To order, email [email protected]