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    Better leaders or better followers?

    Is your company among the 87% of employers who say improving retention is a key priority?* It’s a struggle for business owners and HR professionals alike – keeping employees, especially those deemed as high-potential. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the median number of years wage and salary workers had been with their current … Continue reading “Better leaders or better followers?”

    Leaders CAN be made. Here’s how.

    Leaders CAN be made. Where will your next leader come from? The saying is that leaders are born, not made. If you’re a parent, you know that’s not true. You were thrust into a situation of vital importance and stepped up to the challenge. Often, it’s outside events that ignite the leadership potential within each … Continue reading “Leaders CAN be made. Here’s how.”

    Signs you may actually be a micromanager

    Leader or micromanager? Leadership can be defined as the art of motivating a group of people to act toward achieving a common goal. But when does leading take on the ugly face of micromanagement? Many business owners and leaders don’t realize that they are micromanagers. When we become business owners, we typically add new staff … Continue reading “Signs you may actually be a micromanager”

    Joy to the world!

      The holidays are here! Time for celebrations and good cheer! It is the season when we gather with family and friends to acknowledge our blessings and remember those no longer with us. It is also the season to give yourself the gift of presence, both personally and professionally. Love thyself and love others, in … Continue reading “Joy to the world!”


    YOU are the reason my heart is happy. Every person who has touched my life has added something to it. Family, friends, clients, partners – I am grateful for the countless people who bless my life, both personally and professionally. Thank you to those whom I serve; working with you and your teams brings me … Continue reading “Thankful”

    Six Keys to Business Success

    The Six Keys to Business Success Running a business can feel like herding cats at times, with so many priorities vying for your attention every hour of the workday. Yet as with most things, the Pareto Principle, also known as the 80/20 rule, is something to keep in mind when making a conscientious decision on … Continue reading “Six Keys to Business Success”

    Happy Holidays

      Happy Holidays – Celebrate YOU this season! ‘Tis the season for joy and celebration with loved ones. And ‘tis the season for hustle and bustle, planning and travel, stress and exhaustion! It can be easy to get overwhelmed. These short reminders can help keep the season bright: Love thyself. Self-care helps you be your … Continue reading “Happy Holidays”

    For YOU I am both grateful and thankful

    Grateful AND Thankful The holiday season is upon us, a time when many reflect on their lives. Gratitude and thankfulness fill our heads and hearts. Did you know there is a subtle difference between the two? By definition, ‘grateful’ is feeling deeply appreciative of kindness or benefits received whereas ‘thankful’ is feeling pleased. Gratitude is driven … Continue reading “For YOU I am both grateful and thankful”

    Prospecting & Lead Generation – Pt 3, Marketing Tactics

      Marketing Tactics In Part 2 of this series, we began looking at lead generation. More specifically, that article outlined ways to set yourself apart as an established and trusted expert. This article wraps up the series and explores another aspect of lead generation – marketing. These are tactics you can execute yourself for your … Continue reading “Prospecting & Lead Generation – Pt 3, Marketing Tactics”

    Prospecting & Lead Generation Pt. 2 – Brand Building

      Brand Building Part 1 of our series laid the groundwork needed to implement a prospecting process – making it a priority, identifying the ideal prospect, choosing the best prospecting methods, and making it a habit. With a prospecting process in place, it is time to start generating leads. Generating new leads requires gaining the … Continue reading “Prospecting & Lead Generation Pt. 2 – Brand Building”

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