As a Vistage Chair and National Speaker, Christine enjoys organizing business advisory groups of local business owners and chief executives who are interested in combining their wisdom and talents to discuss c-level issues. As a Vistage member and CEO, Spray attributes her great success to her growth with Vistage.
Four business leaders with one goal: Help each other be more successful.
Vistage International started from very humble beginnings over five decades ago. In 1957, a Wisconsin businessman named Robert Nourse met with four fellow chief executives in the office of the Milwaukee Valve Company to test a simple, yet revolutionary idea—share their knowledge and experiences to help each other generate better results for their businesses.
Soon this group of businessmen was probing, asking questions and making suggestions. They challenged each other, working together to solve issues and grow. At that moment, TEC (The Executive Committee) and the first Executive Leadership Program was born.
Today, TEC is known as Vistage International and has global affiliates in 16 countries. Our Executive Leadership Program members meet in small peer advisory groups every month under the same guiding principles—to help one another become better leaders, make better decisions and achieve better results.
What’s more, Vistage members are connecting in ways Nourse never could have imagined: collaborating online around the world, tapping into a vast content library, and learning from hundreds of top industry speakers.
Why Vistage?
Why do Vistage members become more effective leaders and run more successful businesses than their competitors? Because Vistage offers executive leadership programs and business coaching benefits not available anywhere else. Our members have exclusive access to:
- “Advisory Board” Peer Group Meetings
- Private 1-to-1 Mentoring Sessions
- Expert Speaker Workshops
- Global “Members-Only” Online Network
- Extensive online content library of articles, best practices, podcasts and webinars
Vistage Snapshot
Vistage-member companies:
- Generate nearly $300 billion in annual revenue
- Employ approximately 1.8 million employees worldwide
- Outperform their competitors and, on average, grow their revenues at three times the percentage growth rate after joining the Vistage Executive Leadership Programs.
Why the Vistage Process Works
Today, Vistage has more than 16,000 members, largely CEOs and business owners, from 16 countries who attend monthly peer group meetings. Because we facilitate thousands of meetings each and every year, we’ve reached an understanding about who receives value from the peer advisory experience. It’s why Vistage enjoys such high member retention and why our members, on average, outperform their non-Vistage member counterparts.
These leaders know that one or two resources are not enough to take their business to the next level; they know that it takes an integrated, multi-layered process to get results that last.
With the Vistage experience, we blend the power of a peer group with private mentoring sessions lead by a trusted, seasoned advisor, and fresh ideas and perspectives from thought leaders around the world. Combine all of this with on-demand global connectivity and unparalleled editorial content for an integrated and proven experience that can transform your business.