Grateful AND Thankful
The holiday season is upon us, a time when many reflect on their lives. Gratitude and thankfulness fill our heads and hearts. Did you know there is a subtle difference between the two? By definition, ‘grateful’ is feeling deeply appreciative of kindness or benefits received whereas ‘thankful’ is feeling pleased. Gratitude is driven from the outside, thankfulness from within. And we need both.
I keep a daily Gratitude Journal, a recording of five things each day for which I am grateful. This reminds me of who and what blessed my day. I often review this journal to trigger my internal thankfulness mode. Doing this ALWAYS brightens my mood. And indeed, thankfulness has been shown to have countless physical and psychological benefits. A mindfulness of gratitude also produces many similar internal and external benefits.
Today and every day, know that I am GRATEFUL you are in my life and I am THANKFUL to have a heart bursting with joy. To you and yours, I wish you a blessed Thanksgiving.
– Christine
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